CreOwn Technologies Does It Again

At CreOwn Technologies, we know how important it is to be different. That’s true not just for how we differentiate ourselves from our competitors but also for how our projects differ from one another.
Each of our customers comes to us with unique ideas and a specific business model — why would we turn to them with a tired approach, just because it worked for our last project? Yes, there are some practices that are good to use no matter what your goal is. But to be a truly effective development house instead of a one-trick pony, you have to tailor your approach to your client. That’s why CreOwn Technologies developed four different models for our development projects and allow our customers to choose what works for them. This approach differentiates us from our competition and establishes trust in our relationships. Customers like you can know what to expect from the start. To give you an even deeper view of our services, we also collect customer reviews on Clutch. This platform hosts independently verified, detailed ratings of service providers like ours. In fact, after receiving our third 5-star review in a row, we’re listed in the Top 25 Sitecore Development Companies worldwide! In our most recent review, Samcom Technologies praised our personal approach to the collaboration. We developed a desktop and web-based .NET application with VoIP for an event hosting company and worked closely with their management team to achieve all of their project requirements. They love the new product, and we’re thrilled they decided to share their experience with the public!
Their team was most impressed by our organizational skills, commenting on the extensive planning we put into making sure the project went just right.
“They provided prompt support and service for our project, using proper planning and approach. Their project management was really impressive.” — CEO, Samcom Technologies
In another review, a company specializing in digital transformations specifically mentioned how our flexibility was a critical asset in growing their business. We provided a Sitecore solution for their data transfer capabilities, allowing their operations to run smoothly ever since.
We are glad for the feedbacks that our customers have given us, we can improve our services and showcase our talents on a global stage. We also believe in upgrading ourselves to cop up with the changing needs of the market which in turn helps our clients in getting up to date solutions to their problem.
Moreover, Clutch’s sister site, The Manifest, also lists us among the top 50 software testing companies in India. Our focus is not just developing the solutions but also making sure that they run smoothly so quality checks are done before dispatching the final product/solution. If your business is facing a development or marketing challenge, chances are we’ve got a solution! We can also help you with your web content, and a variety of other services. To find out more about what we offer, contact us today!
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